Taikisha Ltd publishes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report 2020
23 Jan, 2021 / 1251 Views
Since its foundation in 1913, Taikisha has been providing the environment and conditions that not only support people’s comfortable daily lives but also assist in the progress of the industrial world for many years based on air-conditioning technology. We currently conduct a wide range of businesses both in Japan and overseas by leveraging the strengths of our global network in two core business fields: the Green Technology System Business targeted at office buildings, hospitals, factories and others; and the Paint Finishing System Business targeted at paint finishing plants for automobiles, etc.
In recent years, various environmental and social issues have become evident on a global scale, as reflected in the intensifying severity of natural disasters associated with climate change and their impact on food production, as well as the tendency of diseases to become widespread as reflected in the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Under these circumstances, we believe it is our mission to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by demonstrating the strengths of our energy-saving and environmental impact reduction technologies while supporting the business activities of client companies with our advanced solutions, and in turn, pass on the rich environment to the future.
Representative Director, President
Mr. Koji Kato
For detail of the CSR2020, visit https://www.taikisha-group.com/social_env/csr/PDF/2020/CSR2020en_spread.pdf