Mr. Osada Masashi, President Of Taikisha Group, Visits Taikisha Vietnam

03 Oct, 2023 / 1234 Views

[Da Nang – Ho Chi Minh City, 30th Aug – 1st Sep 2023] Taikisha Vietnam was honored to welcome Mr. Osada Masashi, President of Taikisha Group and Mr. Yamashita Masaki, Senior General Manager of Global Management Department, Green Technology System Division, Taikisha Group visiting Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh office in Vietnam from 30th August to 1st September, 2023.

During this visit, Mr. Osada presented “Changing Society” and highlighted the importance of innovation and management responding to the change. As an open discussion, all managers had chance to express and share their opinions and ideas of how to lead Taikisha towards changing society. The management team also shared that they set “We protect the water and the air for our future through the environmentally friendly products and services” as a Taikisha Vietnam mission, what they have done and will do to achieve this mission.

Mr. Osada not only encouraged and boosted leaders’ morale but also shared his experience and valuable management lessons for them. This brought significant positive results. Moreover, it strengthened the connection between the Group and the Branch with the spirits of mutual trust, collaboration and rationality which our corporate culture aims for.

Mr. Osada presented Changing Society 

Mr. Osada and Mr. Yamashita had warm dinners with Taikisha Vietnam’s management team in Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City


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