Updating Air-conditioning Equipment for Office Automation & Computerization / Electrical Equipment for Increase in Power Consumption

06 Aug, 2018 / 1068 Views


A comprehensive proposal including, the enhancement of air-conditioning capacity, individually-controlled air-conditioning operation, support for rearrangement and reinforcement of electrical connections and communications wiring, an increase in lighting illuminance, and interior renovation.

  • Renewal and reinforcement of air-conditioning facilities, and the renewal and new installation of equipment
  • Renewal and new installation of ductwork and piping
  • New installation and renewal of automatically controlled equipment and sensors
  • Reinforcement of electric capacity, communication lines, and receptacles
  • Renewal and reinforcement of lighting equipment
  • Adoption of free-access floors

Example Proposal

Floor blowoff / Air-conditioning panels

By controlling the direction and volume of air supplied the air-conditioning effect can be adjusted in accordance with personal preferences.


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